Tuesday, January 18, 2005

It Really Matters

Belmont Club tells us about a National Intelligence Council forecast of trends for the next 15 years.

The basic conclusion that follows from the report, according to Belmont Club, is:
This assessment implies that the Global War on Terror would have happened eventually with or without September 11 as a result of certain long term and unavoidable trends emerging in the world...

What is fairly certain is that the United States will shape the global response for the next 20 years or so.

That central fact means the fate of the world will be effectively decided by Americans in the near term. This further implies that divisions within American polity -- the debate over the response to terrorism -- or the lack thereof -- will assume an inordinate importance, magnified by its position in the fulcrum of power.

This is precisely why I am so dismayed over how divided we are, adn why I have no tolerance for defeatism and the incessant negative spin of the media, the lunacy of the Left, and the whining and carping of the Democrats.

Butch up!

And Plant More Sugar Beets!!


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