Friday, February 04, 2005

Our Friends, The Saudis

Middle East expert Daniel Pipes tells us about a new report by think-tank Freedom House on Saudi-funded and controlled mosques in the United States. The findings are shocking and horrifying, but are receiving far too little coverage.


It is incontrovertible that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is attempting to infiltrate and undermine our society and enact the Sharia law of their puritanical Wahbbist doctrine by a stealthy jihad, using the vast network of mosques in this contry that they fund and control.

Yes, that likely means your local mosque.

Pipes notes:
The picture of Saudi activities in the United States is not a pretty one.

Freedom House's Muslim volunteers went to fifteen prominent mosques from New York to San Diego and collected over two hundred books and other publications disseminated by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (some 90 percent in the Arabic language) in the mosque libraries, publication racks, and bookstores.

What they found can only be described as horrifying. These writings - each and every one of them sponsored by the kingdom - espouse an anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, misogynist, jihadist, and supremacist outlook. For example, they:

--- Reject Christianity as a valid faith: Any Muslim who believes "that churches are houses of G-d and that G-d is worshipped therein … is an infidel."

--- Insist that Islamic law be applied: On a range of issues, from women (who must be veiled) to apostates from Islam (who "should be killed"), the Saudi publications insist on full enforcement of the Shari'a in America.

--- See non-Muslims as the enemy: "Be dissociated from the infidels, hate them for their religion, leave them, never rely on them for support, do not admire them, and always oppose them in every way according to Islamic law."

--- See the United States as hostile territory: "It is forbidden for a Muslim to become a citizen of a country governed by infidels because this is a means of acquiescing to their infidelity and accepting all their erroneous ways."

--- Prepare for war against the United States: "To be true Muslims, we must prepare and be ready for jihad in Allah's way. It is the duty of the citizen and the government."

The report's authors correctly find that the publications under review "pose a grave threat to non-Muslims and to the Muslim community itself." The materials instill a doctrine of religious hatred inimical to American culture and serve to produce new recruits to the enemy forces in the war on terrorism.

To provide just one example of the latter: Adam Yahiye Gadahn, thought to be the masked person in a 2004 videotape threatening that American streets would "run with blood," became a jihadi in the course of spending time at the Islamic Society of Orange County, a Saudi-funded institution.
Even in the O. C.!

Not to mention the main mosque in Brooklyn.

Don't believe it?

King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz, supreme monarch of Saudi Arabia, has his own website. (It's a strange world, isn't it?)

It helpfully lists Islamic centers around the world funded by the King, including in the United States. This of course does not include ones supported by other Wahabbist-oriented entities. The official religion of Saudi Arabia is Wahabbist Islam. Here is the list from King Fahd's own website:
Support for Mosques and Islamic Centers in United States
Under King Fahd, Saudi Arabia has given support to the following institutions in the United States:
-- Dar al-Salam Institute
-- Fresno Mosque in California
-- The Islamic Center in Colombia, Missouri
-- The Islamic Center in East Lansing, Michigan
-- The Islamic Center in Los Angeles, California
-- The Islamic Center in New Brunswick, New Jersey
-- The Islamic Center in New York
-- The Islamic Center in Tida, Maryland
-- The Islamic Center in Toledo, Ohio
-- The Islamic Center in Virginia
-- The Islamic Center in Washington
-- The Islamic Cultural Center in Chicago
-- King Fahd Mosque in Los Angeles
-- The Mosque of the Albanian Community in Chicago
-- South-West Big Mosque of Chicago
-- Umar bin Al-Khattab Mosque in Los Angeles
These should be considered the headquarters of jihad within the United States.
Not to mention mosques in Calgary, Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal, as well as across Europe and the rest of the world.

Furthermore, according to King Fahd, the Kingdom also funds "research institutes", which are its organs of propaganda and apologia for spreading jihad:
Islamic Research Institutes supported outside the Arab/Islamic world
American University of Colorado
American University in Washington
Arab World Institute, Paris, France
Duke University, North Carolina
Howard University, Washington
Institute of the History of Arab and Islamic Science, Frankfurt, Germany
Johns Hopkins University, Maryland
Middle East Institute, Washington
Shaw University, North Carolina
Syracuse University, New York
Interesting, no?

Let's look some more at what King Fahd's website says:
King Fahd as monarch (Screen 4 of 5)
It is difficult to find a corner of the world where Saudi Arabia, under King Fahd, has not made a contribution, either in humanitarian aid (which flows forth as soon as a need is recognized) or in promulgating Islam by building Mosques and Islamic centers and by distributing copies of the Holy Quran.
Such a statement takes on new meaning when coupled with this revelation from the King's website:
Introduction to Political Reform (1 of 2)
It is the fundamental assumption of the polity of Saudi Arabia that the Holy Quran, correctly applied, is more suitable for Saudi Muslims than any secular constitution.

This assumption must be viewed in the context of a nation which is completely Islamic. The entire Saudi population is Muslim; the only non-Muslims in the country are foreigners engaged in diplomacy, technical assistance or international commerce. If they are non-Muslims, they may practise the rituals of their religion in the privacy of their homes. [This last sentence is a pure lie. --RDS]

So there is no problem of ethnic, religious or linguistic pluralism or multiculturalism, such as is found in virtually all other developing countries. [Because being different is outlawed. --RDS]

Some critics of Saudi Arabia may advance the argument that, since the Holy Quran is almost fourteen centuries old, it does not meet current circumstances, is out of date and should be replaced by a newer form of constitution which would better suit the needs and conditions of the modern world. Such critics fail to recognize that the Holy Quran, which Muslims believe is the word of God, is perfectly able to cope with the events and issues of all times if rightly followed.
They're not even trying to hide it!

Don't buy the fiction that the Royal Family is some embattled ally of ours, holding back fundamentalism. Just because the bin Laden faction of radicals finds them not quite puritanical enough doesn't mean they aren't objectively our enemy by choice anyway!

And working against us day and night from within.


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