Thursday, April 28, 2005

Dangerously Stupid, Part 1

As a scientist, I tell you, human-induced global warming via carbon dioxide is a myth, and the Kyoto protocal nothing more than a massive shakedown, designed to transfer our wealth to the third world. Which is why the Senate unanimously rejected it.

But the media says it's real, so it will never go away.

Maybe this will help.

From an article found via Woe, Canada:
Fiction Fuels Global Warming
Virtually every month, new reports by the world's top climate scientists debunk the correlation between increasing CO2 emissions and the warming of the Earth.

Just this past week, as the federal Liberal government announced its plan (if you can call it that) to meet its impossible Kyoto targets, a weighty group of North America's top climatologists, paleoclimatologists, astrophysicists and oceanographers launched a video that points out the scientific flaws behind the premise that so-called greenhouse gases (GHGs) are behind global warming.
But the release Wednesday of their highly informative and science-based video received not a peep by the media sheep who continue to parrot ignorant politicians and environmentalists who are preparing to waste billions of dollars on something that is not a risk while real environmental problems get swept aside and human catastrophes, like the AIDS epidemic in Africa, remain ignored and underfunded.

Meanwhile, Michael Crichton's thriller, State of Fear, remains on most best-seller lists for fiction across North America.

Crichton, of course, is the physician-turned-best-selling-author of such blockbuster novels as Jurassic Park and The Andromeda Strain and the creator of the weekly television drama ER.

State of Fear is a fictional story about an environmental terrorist plot to manipulate nature to fool and frighten the world into believing that global warming is a growing threat to our planet's survival.

As Crichton's fictional characters fly around the world, including to Vancouver and Calgary and climb out of Antarctic crevasses, avoid assassins and even cannibals and survive man-made flash floods, Crichton notes that "references to real people, institutions and organizations that are documented in footnotes are accurate. Footnotes are real."

At one point, one of Crichton's fictional characters, the beautiful and brilliant Jennifer Haynes, uses an analogy that scores a touchdown for all who don't believe the faulty computer-model-made myth of CO2 being a "toxin" as described by Environment Canada, but rather the very necessity of life on the planet.

"Imagine the composition of the Earth's atmosphere as a football field," says the fictional Haynes.

"Most of the atmosphere is nitrogen. So, starting from the goal line, nitrogen takes you all the way to the 78-yard line. And most of what's left is oxygen.

"Oxygen takes you to the 99-yard line. Most of what remains is the inert gas argon.

"Argon brings you within three-and-a-half inches of the goal line. That's pretty much the thickness of the chalk stripe. And how much of the remaining three inches is carbon dioxide? One inch.

"You are told carbon dioxide has increased in the last 50 years. Do you know how much it has increased, on our football field? Three-eighths of an inch -- less than the thickness of a pencil. Yet, you are asked to believe that this tiny change has driven the entire planet into a dangerous warming pattern."

Other footnotes point out real science shows that satellite measurements of the upper atmosphere -- where the so-called "greenhouse effect" should be most evident -- shows no warming at all.

Real scientific studies show that Antarctica, which environmentalists and politicians keep saying is melting, is actually getting colder and the ice is getting thicker.

Footnotes in Crichton's book point out that changes in land-use, or urbanization, are the main reason behind the increase in the average recorded temperature of cities in the last 100 years, since asphalt is hotter than, say, a forest floor or a farmer's field.

For instance, average annual temperatures in New York City rose 5-degrees Fahrenheit between 1822 and 2000. But average temperatures in West Point, an hour's drive away, didn't rise at all, while the average temperatures in Albany, three hours away, fell.
It may pain the marxists, but capitalism isn't going to destroy us all, but rather it makes us all richer.

I wish I had some bad news for their dour, depressive personalities, but I'm afraid I just don't.


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