Monday, June 05, 2006

Racist School Admissions

Roberts and Alito, your moment of Truth is coming:
Court to decide race in school admissions

Taking up a politically charged issue in an election year, the justices agreed to decide whether the need for diversity justified using race as a factor to determine which elementary and secondary public schools students can attend.

The high court was closely divided by a 5-4 vote in 2003, the last time it confronted similar issues in a pair of rulings that involved preferences for minorities in university admissions decisions.
Since when was a "need for diversity" a Constitutional basis for anything, let alone for allowing race-based discrimination?
A group of parents sued in 2000 and argued it was unfair for the school district to consider race. A U.S. appeals court disagreed and ruled 7-4 that the district has a compelling interest to secure the educational and social benefits of racial diversity.
That whole premise is ludicrous to start with.

May the Court rule correctly.

I look forward to the racist diversity-worshippers having their lights punched out.


It's the dawning of a New Age, and it isn't Aquarius.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me that people who seek to achieve diversity by discriminating against the majority are putting the cart before the horse. I take it as an axiom that a fair and just society will be a diverse society so those who hope to achieve diversity should strive for fairness and justice. It is a mystery to me that they don't see discrimination as inherently unfair and unjust.

As an element of fairness and justice, I also think that a society should strive to give all of its members, whether they are members of majority or minority groups, the same opportunities to compete to the best of their abilities. We do in the USA strive to do this in education for our children, but I would go further. I would also have our society make basic health care and basic nutrition available to all of our children. [Actually there are lots of other things that I wish our society could do for our children, but I can't see a way to do it. E.g., wouldn't it be nice if all children had parents who cared about raising them well?]

Being somewhat of a libertarian, however, I would allow parents to opt out of the public health care and nutrition programs for their children if they wanted to. It's interesting to note that while we do let parents opt of public school for their children, we do not let them opt out of education, per se. Either through public schools, home schooling or private or parochial schools, all children must be educated. I suppose that laws concerning child neglect would do a similar function for those who would opt out of public health care and nutrition.

But I think I have already said most of this in other comments posted to your blog so you're reading little new from me here.

11:24 PM, June 06, 2006  
Blogger RDS said...

But they're still good points, even if made before!

1:12 AM, June 20, 2006  

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