Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama "Redistribution" Comments Gone Viral

The Obama audio comments about "redistributing wealth" from a 2001 Chicago Public Radio program have gone viral.

Posted on YouTube on Sunday, in less than 48 hours it has received over 1.7 million views and garnered over 17,000 comments. UPDATE: Now over 2 million views and 25,000 comments!

It was the most-viewed video on YouTube yesterday by far, and #8 for the week.

Dick Morris just said on Hannity and Colmes he's "hemorrhaging votes" over this.

See here for a transcript.

Spread the word!

Ace summarizes:
Translation [ace]: As lefties are suggesting idiotic interpretations, and even some on the right are getting it wrong, here's what he's saying:

1. The Supreme Court never considered "redistribution of wealth" or "economic justice" among the guarantees provided to citizens.

2. Even the Warren Court was not "radical" enough to do so -- to impose real "redistributive change" on the nation.

3. The courts have generally provided negative constraints on the government rather than positive obligations the government owes to its citizens (specifically, here, such as economic justice and redistribution of wealth).

4. Therefore, it is a "tragedy" that the civil rights movement became so courts-focused, because it limited what redress they could actually obtain -- and it took attention away from the "community organizing" efforts which could assemble "coalitions of power" (political power, that is) to actually achieve "redistributive change." Such change simply could not be had in the courts, still laboring under the "constraints" imposed by the Founding Fathers.

5. "And in some ways we still suffer from that."

And do note that Obama is currently on the brink of achieving the ultimate "community organizing" position, the ultimate assembler of "coalitions of power," and the current top legislative position (and yes, the President is the most important legislator in the country, through proposing/advocating legislation and signing it into law) that will allow him to pursue the "redistributive change" the Warren Court was, tragically, insufficiently radical to contemplate.


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