Thursday, January 18, 2007

More Sign of Spine

Heard about the Minnesota muslim cab drivers refusing service first to people seen to have liquor in their luggage, and then to the blind who have guide dogs?

Not just once or twice, but en masse. Because islam says those things are unclean and cannot be transported.

Most of the Minnesota cab drivers are Somali muslims and that community seems to have received a fatwa to deny the service -- to show their dominance over us.

If we buckle to that logic, they can then demand women keep their heads covered, or be accompanied by males, to be transported in their cabs.

Or that you, infidel, cannot ride at all.

In fact, it's been popping up in news accounts all over the world the last few years in what appears to be a coordinated campaign directed by the muslim brotherhood terror front organization.

Make no mistake, the muslim world is consciously waging war on our culture on all fronts.

The case at the airport in Minneapolis has come to a head:
Minnesota Muslim taxi drivers could face crackdown
A large number of taxi drivers in the area of the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport are Muslim Somali immigrants.

Many of them say they feel the faith's ban on alcohol consumption includes transporting anyone carrying it. Some have also refused to transport dogs, both pets and guide dogs, saying they are unclean.

Under the proposal -- which is also aimed at drivers who refuse to take short-haul passengers in favor of more lucrative long trips -- a first offense would result in a 30-day cab license suspension and a second a two-year license revocation.
Hesham Hussein, a spokesman for the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, said that group, in trying to work out a compromise last year, told the commission that Islamic law prohibits not only the drinking but the selling and transport of alcohol. He said the group said nothing about dogs and would not agree that a person with a seeing-eye dog should be denied a ride. [Liar! Then why is that happening all over the world? There's no denying the commandments of mohammed against dogs -- ed.]

The compromise the group tried to work out involved marking cabs to alert dispatchers and customers to those who would not transport alcohol so they would not be hailed or called up from queues.

The commission rejected that idea and Hussein told Reuters that approach idea now appears to be dead. Given the "social polarization" and intolerance among some in the country, he said, the "cards are stacked" against the drivers.
Who's the one being intolerant, Hussein?

If we want to live like Somalis, we can go move there.

It's almost amazing these days to see common sense prevail over pandering and obeisance.

Here are other examples from around the world.

A Muslim minicab driver refused to take a blind passenger because her guide dog was "unclean."

Abdul Rasheed Majekodumni told Jane Vernon she could not get into his car with the dog because of his religion. Islamic tradition warns Muslims against contact with dogs because they are seen as impure.

The case emerged as Jack Straw was embroiled in a controversy over Muslim women wearing veils and the row continued after a Muslim police officer was excused guard duty at the Israeli embassy. [It's now also known a terrorist wanted in the deadly subway bombings in London escaped by wearing a full burqa, knowing the authorities would be too PC to check his identity when going through customs -- ed.]

Today Mrs Vernon, 39, from Hammersmith, said: "This experience was very upsetting. I was tired and cold and just wanted to get home but this driver made me feel like I was a second-class citizen, like I didn't count at all."

Mrs Vernon, who works as a legal officer for the Royal National Institute for the Blind, added: "The owner of the minicab firm, Niven Sinclair, was also very insensitive, telling me that what had happened to me wasn't really very important, and I should have more respect for other people's culture. They have shown very little respect for my rights as a disabled person and have never once offered me an apology."
Grethe Olsen, accompanied by her guide dog Isak, experienced being rejected by no less than 21 taxis before finally getting a ride. Olsen thinks the taxi drivers said no for religious reasons. The Norwegian Blind Association confirms that this is a well known problem all over the country, especially in cities with many [muslim] immigrants. It arises when a blind person accompanied by a guide dog wants to take a taxi from a stand, instead of ordering one in advance.
MUSLIM taxi drivers are refusing to carry blind passengers with their guide dogs or anyone carrying alcohol.

At least 20 dog-aided blind people have lodged discrimination complaints with the Victorian Taxi Directorate. Dozens more have voiced their anger. And there have been several complaints that drivers refuse to allow passengers to carry sealed bottles of alcohol.

There are about 2000 Muslims among drivers of Melbourne's 10,000 taxis. Many are from countries with strict Islamic teachings about "unclean" dogs and the evils of alcohol.

Guide Dogs Victoria spokeswoman Holly Marquette said blind people regularly reported taxi drivers refusing to carry them because of their dogs.
A case potentially pitting rights of the disabled against religious beliefs will be heard by the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal after a blind man from the North Shore who uses a guide dog to get around launched a complaint against North Shore Taxi.

Bruce Gilmour filed the complaint after a cab driver from North Shore Taxi refused to let his guide dog into the cab in January of this year. Gilmour, who says it's not the first time he's been refused service by a taxicab, is complaining that North Shore taxi discriminated against him on the basis of physical disability.

But the taxi driver, Behzad Saidy, is arguing his Muslim religious beliefs will not allow him to take dogs in his taxi, because Muslims can't associate with dogs.

According to documents filed with the Human Rights Tribunal, North Shore Taxi said about half of their drivers are "unable to take animals in their taxis due to medical or religious reasons."
Just a few misguided individuals who don't understand that islam is all about peace and tolerance?

Or a clear pattern?

More at Daniel Pipes, showing how CAIR, the terror front that poses as a civil-rights group and has the ear of our naive government, springs to the defense of these barbarians.

This has to stop.

These attacks on our disabled are intolerable, and these alien beliefs are an infection in our society.

Stop muslim immigration now, before they have the numbers to impose their will politically.


Blogger The_Bad said...

A suggestion:


Are there any reasons that would preclude you from providing our services to anyone?

If the answer is "yes", DON'T HIRE THEM. This is where capitalism should prevail. Strangely, I haven't seen anything from the owners of the cab companies, but they are the ones who should be outraged at their employees.

"What the hell do you mean, you 'refused service to a blind person'? Pack up your things and get out of here, now!"

10:40 AM, January 18, 2007  
Blogger Joseph said...

This will be used as a precedent to force pharmacists to carry abortifacients.

1:52 AM, January 21, 2007  
Blogger RDS said...


I don't think that necessarily follows. The problem here is the cab offers a specific public service, but is denying it to certain people.

It's hard to imagine a druggist being required to offer every possible product or brand under the sun. The more analagous situation would be a pharmacist selling a specific product to some people but not to others.

11:24 PM, January 22, 2007  
Blogger Winged Hussar 1683 said...

I would rather have my face LICKED by any healthy dog than have my hand or clothing TOUCHED by one of these militant "Islamic" cockroaches.

Anything that anyone does to a bipedal cockroach that refuses to carry a handicapped person with a service animal is fine by me, as long as it doesn't actually break the law. Getting their cab license revoked is both legal and nonviolent. So is telling other prospective customers what they are so no one will ride with them.

5:05 PM, March 24, 2007  
Blogger Winged Hussar 1683 said...

Re: ""What the hell do you mean, you 'refused service to a blind person'? Pack up your things and get out of here, now!"

Hmmm, many cell phones have cameras nowadays. What really needs to happen is for someone to photograph (or videotape) one of these cab drivers refusing to carry a blind person with a guide dog. Get him on audio, zoom in on his face, and post the whole thing on YouTube, along with his cab number.

These "Muslims" are no better than, for example, Ku Klux Kab drivers who refused service to Black people. They should be treated just like the Klan.

5:13 PM, March 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


During the Prohibition Era, when alcohol was illegal in the US, bootlegging became big business. The manufacturing of illegal alcohol was actually the easier part of the business. It was the distribution that was the major issue of this very profitable industry. How do you move cases of alcohol around without attracting unwanted police attention? You use taxi cabs. What is more natural in a fast moving city then taxis running around all over the place dropping off and picking up people and things? One of the benefits of organized crime is the extra profit it generates and how that money is spent. Buying legitimate businesses is also a good way to invest that ill-gotten booty. Lawrence Fay was a 1920’s bootlegger who bought up the taxi industry wherever he ran his illegal alcohol business. His taxis could go anywhere in the city hauling alcohol and at all times looking completely normal. I drove a taxi cab in North Chicago when I was in college. I know what kind of unsavory activities can get conducted in a cab or at the destination the taxi takes the passenger to. Jimmy Cagney portrayed a bootlegger based on Lawrence Fay in the movie “The Roaring Twenties.” Cagney’s character was always looking to buy one more taxi cab. I would strongly suggest that Islamic terrorists have been watching old gangster movies and figured out the long term benefit of operating taxis in cities of the world--to include the US. Get yourself and your operation pre-positioned in a city that will someday be their target of opportunity. How better for a foot soldier of Islam to get to know the lay of the land for their future battlefield. The battlefield of urban warfare is the modern big city. What is disturbing about this Muslim cabbie, turned modern chariot driver for Islam issue, is we are being conditioned by Hollywood to accept this situation. Even if you have never been in a taxi cab you already expect to find a dark-skinned, non-English speaking person at the wheel. How many movies and TV shows have done some kind of scene about the foreign cab driver? Stand up comics always have at least one joke about taxi drivers in their act. Even Jay Leno on national TV has used taxi jokes. We are being desensitized to a dangerous situation. Now there is the issue of Muslim taxi drivers in Minneapolis who, because of their religious beliefs, will not pick up a passenger who has a bottle of alcohol displayed or a dog. So what you say, that passenger who just got off an airplane can take the next cab waiting in line. Find a non-Muslim driver and get on your way. Do you think that is OK, but what happens when most--if not all the cabbies waiting are Muslims? First off it is illegal, and it is called discrimination. What you may not realize is this “taking over of the taxi industry” by Muslim drivers is not just happening in the US. This is going on all over Europe. There are so many Muslim cab drivers in Oslo, Norway that on an Islamic holy day you can hardly find a taxi on the road. A blind woman with her guide-dog in Oslo was turned down by twenty Muslim drivers before she finally was able to get a ride. You see the Prophet Mohammed told the Muslim world that “Angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture.” I find the picture part interesting because when I was in undergraduate school my dorm wing was full of Muslim-Iranian students. The two guys next door to me had their entire room, walls and ceiling completely covered with Playboy and Penthouse fold outs. You have to buy a lot of porn magazines to be able to wallpaper a college dorm room with nude pictures of women. I suggest that very few angels were able to get into that dorm room. Republican Senator Conrad Burns of Montana stated “faceless terrorists drive taxi cabs in the daytime and kill at night.” He lost his re-election this past year and you should read all the “hate-speech” on the internet about Senator Burns. Is Senator Burns, as John the Baptist once stated, “a voice crying in the wilderness” or is he just a politically incorrect xenophobic redneck? Even if you choose not to believe the Islamic chariot driver analogy, on the criminal side, the sexual assault rate by foreign cab drivers has dramatically increased in Oslo, Norway. Do you feel safe?

26 March 2007
Major Van Harl USAF Ret.

6:54 PM, April 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The next time I visit Minneapolis, I will make sure to buy alcohol before looking for a cab. I don't want to ride with some foreigner who thinks they run our country. It's time for all Americans to wake up and vote with their feet. Put these clowns out of business! If they want to live under Muslim rule, let them go to a Muslim country and get out of ours.

9:20 AM, May 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


In 1846 the US went to war with Mexico. There is some historical evidence that perhaps we did not need to invade Mexico but the upside is we own Texas and the southwestern states. The US did not have much of a standing army when it decided to go to war, so it called for volunteers to fill the ranks. Ireland was in the middle of a potato famine and thousands of poor Irish immigrants came to the US. Many of these new immigrants joined the army and headed south to fight Mexico. Among these, were men who had already deserted from European armies. So the issue of loyalty or the lack there of, for a country whose uniform they were wearing was already in question. Besides the Irish you had German, Swiss, Scots and other immigrants who were Roman Catholics. As the killing of war commenced, these questionable new soldiers started to desert. They were not however the only deserters. Over 9000 men deserted the US Army during that war. The problem was the Irish deserters did not just head back home like the rest of the 9000, they switched sides and joined the Mexican army. Many of the deserters were skilled soldiers from mercenary service in European armies. They fought very well and in many cases they were the force that held the line for Mexico as its own countrymen cut and ran in battle. The deserting American immigrants were formed by the Mexican Army, into the Saint Patrick’s Battalion and were know in Spanish as the San Patricios. A little over half of the San Patricios were actually Irish. The biggest complaint and offered reason for the San Patricios deserting, was the belief they suffered maltreatment at the hands of the Anglo-Protestant leadership of the US Army. Also the fact that Mexico was a Catholic country as were the San Patricios allegedly was a primary reason for switching sides during the war. The fact the San Patricios were offered 300 acres of land, money and advanced promotion in the Mexican Army may have had some influence in their desertion. The biggest issue was the lack of loyalty by the new immigrants to the United States. Fast forward to our current war on terrorism, I have extremely strong reservations about some of our newest immigrants. The US is at war with Islam. Now in the press we must say that it is only the Muslim terrorist or fundamentalists who are our enemies, but that is foolish and will get Americans killed in the future. We have immigrants from multiple Islamic countries who are economic refugees, not people who have come here to fully embrace the American way of life. To be fair probably most people who immigrated to the US were economic refugees, but they did not represent a religion that wants nothing less than world domination. Islam is a religious culture that has failed to bring prosperity to its people, so to deflect failure they project hatred and intolerance on the rest of the non-Muslim world. Sadly I believe that in my life time there will be an actual total war against Islam. The US with a handful of supporting nations will have to crush the sword of Islam and this action will know no borders. What will the millions of Muslim Americans, of whom most are recent immigrants or only first generation Americans do when this religious war comes? I would suggest we will again have a San Patricio issue on our hands. Islamo-patricios (Ipats) will cast off their “Islam is a peaceful religion” facade and create death and destruction inside the US borders. We will suffer the same type hit and run attacks on the streets of America that goes on in Islamic countries now. If they will kill their own Muslim brothers why do you think they will act any better in the US, a country full of infidels? I find it un-nerving that this country rejects a political candidate because he is a Mormon, but rushes to support a candidate who was a Muslim. We still have prejudice against Christians who once practiced polygamy, but can fall all over ourselves to embrace Muslim and alleged former Muslim politicians. Polygamy and domination of women is part of their basic religious structure. The sword of Islam wants to destroy the United States and I truly believe there are future Islamo-patricios sharpening their swords and cleaning their rifles. Waiting to rise from their American homes to strike and kill their fellow Americans. Fear mongering perhaps, Islam and American Muslims prove me wrong.

8 Feb 2008
Major Van Harl USAF Ret.

1:48 PM, February 22, 2008  

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