Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Saudi TV

Mainstream islam, from our friends the Saudis, on state-run tv in 2002.

I love this video clip, demonstrating the indoctrination of a three year old girl, who has been taught Jews are evil apes and pigs.

The pride of the young teacher in the student's responses is thoroughly disgusting.

An excerpt of the transcript:
Amer: How old are you, Basmallah?

Basmallah: Three and a half.

Amer: Are you a Muslim?

Basmallah: Yes.

Amer: Basmallah, do you know the Jews?

Basmallah: Yes

Amer: Do you like them?

Basmallah: No.

Amer: Why don't you like them?

Basmallah: Because.

Amer: Because they are what?

Basmallah: They are apes and pigs.

Amer: Because they are apes and pigs. Who said that about them?

Basmallah: Our God.

Amer: Where did he say that about them?

Basmallah: In the Koran.


Amer: Basmallah, Allah be praised. May our God bless her. No one could wish for a more devout girl. May God bless her and her parents. The next generation of children must be true Muslims, Allah willing. We must educate them while they are still children to be true Muslims.
True indeed, true indeed.


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